Friday, June 10, 2011

The #1 Fan

"I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment's gone. All my dreams, pass before my eyes with curiosity" (K)

Chill out - He's there alright.
This very moment is now gone.
What about now? Gone, too.
Whatever we did or did not do now is now gone. There's no going back to now.
Now it's then.
Time. That is the ultimate limitation in this world.
But there is One Being that is beyond time - Hashem.
Where is Hashem?
Then. Now. Will be.
He's beyond time.
He's there alright. You can't see Him, but you can feel Him - that's what makes Him Hashem. That's what makes Him the Almighty.

Take a look at a fan, either a hand-held one or on the one hanging from the ceiling. Turn it off. Take a look at the blades. Three, four, or five pieces of plastic or wood spaced from one another.
See them? Sure you do. They're right in front of your eyes.
Do you feel the breeze from it? No. Not yet. It isn't on.
Now turn on the fan - at full blast.
Feel the breeze now? Sure you do. Ahhh. So refreshing.
But hold on. What happened to the blades? You can't see them anymore! Where are they? Did they disappear?
Well, you know that they're there - or else where is the breeze coming from! If you would be able to see them, you wouldn't feel the breeze! You're only feeling the cool breeze because it's moving so fast!

Being stuck in the here and now, we cannot see Hashem. Just as the blades of the fan constantly move and thus cannot be seen, neither can Hashem.
But He sure is there - can't you feel Him?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me see You in everything and everywhere today!"

1 comment:

  1. as always a great and inspiring d'var torah from Rabbi B.
