Monday, February 20, 2012

Let It Settl-Lin a While

"It's gonna take time, a whole lot of precious time, it's gonna take patience and time ... to do it right child" (GH)

Do you want to be an overnight
sensation or truly great?
A good steak takes time to grill. A fine wine takes time to age. A baseball glove takes time to break in.
True greatness takes time. A whole lot of time.
People of often quick to buy into the new fad. The new style. Everything is quick to become "the best ever" overnight. Yet, as we have seen through the ages, true greatness is almost never just born. Lasting greatness takes time and perseverance.

We witness one spectacular phenomenon all the time. Whether with super-power nations on a big scale or one-hit-wonders on a small scale. Throughout recent history, the world of sports, entertainment and music have certainly produced some beloved icons that have demonstrated a rise to stardom and glory, however long their fame lasted. From enduring stars such as Michael Jordan, Joe Montana and Clint Eastwood to Bill Cosby, Babe Ruth and Mordechai Ben David (?!), there have been a comparatively select few who retained their celebrity status over time compared to the thousands more who quickly faded from the public eye.
What will be with the new talent? The new phenomenons? The Tim Tebows and Jeremy Lins? 
Only a fool will immediately pronounce the long-term talent, but only an ignorant historian will doubt the possible potential. 
Time will tell. 

After 3,000 years, time has certainly proved the lasting capacity of two entities that have endured countless obstacles, infinite tribulations and boundless opposition - the Torah and the Jewish People. The mighty Greeks are no longer. The pompous Romans have long fallen. What was once perceived as timeless was proven mortal once and again.
As the years pass and the generations ensue, we continue to remain the true beacon of greatness.
And great we will always be.

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me to be great today - truly great!" 

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