Friday, July 6, 2012

Couldn't Hurt a Fly

"Let your spirit fly, where we are one … I want to get away, I want to fly away" (LK)

Torah Airlines - the only way to fly.
Life's tricky. With choices to be made at every turn, our very lives hang in the balance beyond our comprehension. Our futures depend upon our every move. And, although we enjoy relaxing and spending "free" time with virtually no movement and effort, we know full well that we cannot become wastefully absorbed in frivolous behaviors and inconsequential pursuits of satisfaction all our lives. We all have a sense and need for accomplishment. We naturally seek achievement and fulfillment.
And sitting on a couch doesn't really seem to be the most appropriate or best suited place to succeed in this goal.

One of the most entertaining and humorous sights one may ever witness is when someone tries to kill a fly. As the small, winged insect stealthily flies from one end of the room to the next, avoiding its pursuant, it seemingly never runs out of steam. In its desperate attempt to both avoid being squashed and find its way to freedom, it doesn't let up. It doesn't rest. It's constantly on the move. And if it does pause momentarily, the instant it senses someone on the attack, it immediately takes flight again. 
Earlier today, I tried my hand at catching a fly that found its way into the kitchen. It isn't easy! At the fast pace that little guy flew, I could hardly follow it! After a short while (alright, quite a while), I simply gave up! As long as that creepy crawly was on the move, I couldn't hurt a fly!

There are many obstacles on the road of life that have the potential of stopping us dead in our tracks. Indeed, the yetzer hara has a wide array of weapons at his disposal. At every and any moment in time, he may be a step away, lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce upon us when we least expect it.
We cannot be idle. We cannot be immobile. To do so would deem us ever so vulnerable. To avoid his attack and to secure our safety, we must always be on the move - the move forward. Just as a soldier in war, we must be at attention.
We must always be ready to fly. We must be swift and protect ourselves so that the yetzer hara couldn't hurt a fly!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help keep me safe from harm - and keep me closer to You!" 

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