Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm a Believer

"Now I'm a believer, not a trace of doubt in my mind" (TM)

Are you a believer?
People often say, "Just show me a miracle and I'll believe. If I were to see a miracle like K'riyas Yam Suf, I'd have complete belief in Hashem!"
Others similarly question, "Why doesn't Hashem perform any miracles these days? We read about so many that took place in the times of old, but what about now?"
There are many explanations to these comments, one of which becomes exceedingly clear in the following story:

Rav Yisroel Salanter once met an innkeeper who he noticed had declined in his religious observance.
"What happened?" Rav Yisroel questioned.
"Well," explained the innkeeper, "There was a heretic staying at my inn not so long ago, and he sat down to eat. He took a piece of non-kosher meat, and announced, 'If there truly is G-D, I should choke on this meat!' He continued to eat the meat without issue, so I figured that there was no G-D!"
As the innkeeper spoke, his daughter came home with a diploma attesting to her excellence in music. Rav Yisroel proceeded to ask her if she would play the piano for him in order to prove that she was indeed an accomplished musician.
"Why should I perform?" she responded. "I have a diploma that shows that I am a master musician!"
"Please, I don't believe your diploma!" Rav Yisroel insisted.
"What do you mean you don't believe it?" the daughter snapped back. "My diploma proves it! I don't have to perform for every skeptic!"
Rav Yisroel turned to her father and said, "The Torah testifies to the fact that Hashem performed miracles. That is His proof. He doesn't have to perform for every skeptic!"

Hashem "proved" Himself countless times - both in the past and in the present. His miracles have never and will never cease. Indeed, infinite miracles unfold each and every moment in time.
We think.
We move.
We breath.

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, I believe in You! Always!"

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