Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Killing Time is Murder

Ticking away the moments ... fritter and waste the hours ... and then the one day you find, ten years have gone behind you" (PF)

Time to save time
How long does it take to become a lawyer?
One would need to attend four years of law school and complete difficult examinations.
How about to become a doctor?
One would require at least seven years of medical school along with extensive testing.
What about to become a huge talmid chochom? How long does that take?

Someone once asked the great Chasam Sofer how he had become such a towering sage.
"It took me five minutes to become a talmid chochom," answered the Chasam Sofer.
When he saw the puzzled look on the man's face, he continued to explain.
"There are so many five minutes through a person's life, most of which go to waste. In the five minutes here and five minutes there is a world of opportunity. I made sure to utilize those five minutes each time, and in those five minutes I became a talmid chochom!"

Well, there you have it! It takes only five minutes to become a talmid chochom.
You look down at your watch. You have five minutes of free time now - don't kill it! That would be murder! You're killing the talmid chochom within you!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please give me the strength and wisdom to use my time wisely today!"

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