Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Age of Wii

"Come together right now over me" (TB)

It's not a game. It's life.
We clearly live in an age of "I before we." It is an age where most people choose me over we, rather than the reverse. We see this everywhere.
It is quite natural to think about ourselves and our personal needs. We are indeed human. This behavior begins from the very beginning of our existence. As babies, we cried until we were attended to. In early childhood, our most frequently screamed statement was, "It's mine!" As young teenagers, we never thought our parents could be right. After all, we always knew better.
However, as time passes, we are designed to become more sensitive to others. At a certain age, we should come to the realization that we are not in this world to benefit ourselves alone. It is no mistake that we don't get married at 8 years old. At that age, we are not old enough to comprehend the concept of thinking about someone else, let alone live with that notion each and every day.

Is it not interesting that we live in a generation where even our culture boasts a certain bold selfishness? Is it not odd that we focus so strongly on the "I before we"? Perhaps the most popular item in the American market today is the iPod and iPhone. Even in Israel, the second most popular snack brand is Bissli (li, as in for me). It is no wonder, then, that even when we use the word "we" today, it can be distorted. Thus, the Wii even has "I" in it - twice!

Wires are used to connect two things together.
We live in a wireless world.
"Stay connected."

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please give me the strength to think and help others today - not just myself!"

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