Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just Be You

“'Cause I have wandered through this world, and as each moment has unfurled I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams. Doctor, my eyes, tell me what you seejust say if it's too late for me (JB)

Have you found you yet?
There are billions of you's in the world, but only one me.
In a society where everyone is trying to be someone else, we often lose sight of who we are - and who we can be. In our never-ending attempt to achieve happiness, we must pause and ponder why so many have failed.
What is happiness? True happiness? And who defines it?
There are many images and icons of happiness in the world today. Through a seemingly endless array of avenues, we are sent subliminal messages as to what happiness entails, and who possesses this happiness.
Is it fame?
Good looks?
If we attempt to be someone else in order to arrive at a blissful existence, we are doomed to fail. To be truly happy, we must first reveal who we are - our positive traits, talents, and aspirations - and what we can be. Only then can we realize what will truly make us happy. Truly happy.

Here is a short insight that sums it up:
"If I am me because I am me, and you are you because you are you, 
then I am me and you are you.
But if I am me because you are you, and you are you because I am me,
then I am not me and you are not you."

"Just be yourself - everyone else is taken."

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me find the real me!"

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