Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm WIth You!

"Like a rock, I was strong as I could be. Like a rock, nothin' ever got to me" (BS)

Take off with Hashem!
As we draw nearer to Pesach, we remind ourselves of the Jewish struggles in Mitzrayim. We have all learned, however, that we were not alone in our misery. Rather, Chazal teach us that Hashem was with us in our pain, as well. Therefore, when He redeemed us, in truth, He redeemed Himself, as well.
This should give us tremendous comfort and support. Just by virtue of the fact that we know that Hashem is with us wherever we are and whenever we need Him, should give us the strength to overcome our difficulties. This strength alone can lift us up and redeem us from all of life's more painful experiences.

A friend just remarked to me last Friday night after davening: Why is it that when people board a plane, which can certainly be a frightful event, most people don't get overly nervous. Yet, when people go in for surgery, most become very anxious?
He answered, quoting a big tzaddik, that the difference is that when the surgeon operates, he is operating on the person alone - only he experiences the event, not the surgeon. Yet, when one flies upon a plane, he knows that the pilot is flying along with him, and therefore he has faith that the pilot will do all in his power to fly and land safely!

Dovid ha'Melech writes in Tehillim, "Hashem li, lo ei'ra," Hashem is with me, and therefore I need not fear! Since Hashem is with us at all times, we can rest assured that all will be well - He is aboard with us!
If Hashem is flying the plane, is there truly any need to fear?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, I have faith in You! I will not be afraid!"

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