Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let My People Go!

"What if G-D was one of us?" - Boruch Hashem, He's not!

Technology. An incredible gift, right?
Well, it depends on your answer to the following question: Does it make you free or a slave?
Many people use technology to learn Torah and fulfill mitzvos like never before. In such a fashion, technology makes them free - free to be able to accomplish more. However, there are people that are slaves to technology. They NEED to read and answer every text message and e-mail immediately, regardless of when and where they are. They NEED to post everything to Facebook as soon as it happens.
Is that freedom or slavery?
In the following clip, we see what "may" have happened if Yetzi'as Mitzrayim would have occurred in our current new age of technology. As you watch and laugh, think to yourself - which version was greater and more miraculous, the virtual Exodus or the real one? Why?

Are we truly free?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me be free to fulfill Your Torah and Mitzvos!"

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