Wednesday, April 27, 2011

There Can Be Only One

"We're one, but we're not the same, we get to carry each other ... one"

A world of many, a People of One
One of the beautiful aspects of Judaism is that we are part of one People, although we may be different and unique. Whether you are an Ashkenazi, Sefardic, German, or Chassidic Jew, you are an equal and vital member among our People. Yet, to go even a step further, people often feel that only the righteous and scholarly are beloved in the eyes of Hashem. However, this is simply not true. We are all the dear children of Hashem, however close or far away from Him we may be. Ultimately, it is our goal in life to gain a closer relationship with our Father in Heaven - and to help others gain this connection, as well.

Generations ago, in Europe, it was common that the Jews in large and heavily populated cities were more knowledgeable in Judaism than those in small villages found on the outskirts of town. In these small villages, the simple Jews often did not have religious guidance or formal Torah teaching, leaving them profoundly lacking in the knowledge of the basic tenets of Jewish law and practice. However lacking they were, their innocent and wholehearted desire to serve Hashem was still intact.
It was the practice of many great Chassidic Rebbes to reflect on the halachikly incorrect behaviors of these Jews in order raise their meaningful actions to their purest level and find favor in the eyes of Hashem. One Pesach, an odd story was related to Reb Sholom Rokeach, the Belzer Rebbe, tz"l. Apparently, a father in a nearby village explained the Four Sons in a very peculiar manner. When he would say "Echod Chochom, echod Rosho, echod Tom, v'echod She'eino Yodei'a Lish'ol," each time he would say the word "echod," he would cover his eyes and extend the word as we do during Shema - and everyone around the table did the same!
The Belzer Rov rejoiced upon hearing the story, and then explained. "When we proclaim Hashem as Echod, One, not everyone understands or agrees. Only someone like the Chochom comprehends this. However, when Moshiach comes, everyone - including the other three types of people - will unite to say "Hashem Echod! Furthermore, if you take the word "Shachris," you will notice that it spells out the Roshei Teivos (acronym) of the Four Sons (in this order: S'heino, Chochom, Rosho, Yodei'a, Tom). When the "night" of the Exile is over, and we gather together to recite the Shema of "Shachris," EVERYONE will join together in proclaiming "Hashem Echod!"

May we all merit the chance to witness that glorious day when we will gather together as one, united People and announce to the world, "Hashem Echod!"

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, I believe in You and love You!"

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