Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are You Game?

"We are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting 'till the end"

Are ready to go up
against the Yetzer Hara?
Did you hear the buzzer yet? Good, because it hasn't rung yet!
The posuk says, "Ki teitzei l'milchomo al oy'vecha," when you will go out to battle against your enemy. This is not just referring to an actual war, but to life itself. When our souls "go out" - leave their Heavenly abode to be placed into bodies in this world, we are immediately placed into battle. Every event in life - every action, decision, and even thought - is a battle against our most valiant and cunning enemy, the Yetzer Hara.
And he's ready to fight!
They say that the Yetzer Hara is the best chavrusa - he's never late, always argues with you, and never gives up!
In truth, each day is another game against him. And each day we must say to ourselves, "Hey, I'm not going to think about tomorrow's game. I'm going to worry about today's! Today I am going to live like a tzaddik! I don't care when the Yetzer Hara questions how I intend to continue to be so holy and righteous every day. I don't have to be! I just have to be a tzaddik today!"
Here's the game plan: fight until the end of today's game. Give it your all. Put in every ounce of energy until you're drained. Tonight you'll rest and then you'll play to win again tomorrow!
Win today. Win tomorrow. Hey, maybe you'll go for a three peat ... or even four!
No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions - of the world!

(In honor of "The Boys")

Say to yourself ten times today:
"I will be a tzaddik today! I will be a champion today! I will think only about today!"

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