Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diamonds On the Road

Pair of Tzitzis = $8. Hebrew-English Siddur = $20. Reward earned in the World to Come = Priceless.

Diamonds! Everywhere! For free!
How would you like endless happiness? Infinite pleasure?
How would you like an existence of utter bliss and satisfaction?
What do you think really earns this type of life? This kind of existence?

There was once this fellow who enjoyed boating immensely. Several times a week, he would take his simple canoe out into the river, along with his fishing rod, bait, lunch, and various other necessities. One day, as he drifted further and further from shore, he went through a patch of heavy fog, only to surface in an area he didn't recognize. Looking from side to side for some clues as to his location, he couldn't seem to find his way. Suddenly, he looked into the distance and saw a small island up ahead.
Pulling up to the river bank, he dragged his canoe safely out of the water and walked up to road above. The sight that greeted him nearly caused him to pass out in sheer amazement. The roads were paved in diamonds! No dirt. No concrete. Just millions of stunning, glittering, priceless diamonds stretching as far as the eye could see!
As he stood there overwhelmed in thought, the inhabitants of the island passed him by in confusion. One local native approached him, and asked, "Sir, is everything alright?"
"Alright? Alright? No, no! I'm better than alright!" came the loud response. "Don't you see what's on the ground?
"Ah, sir," answered the local, "there's nothing there except for stones."
"Stones? Those aren't regular stones! Those are diamonds!"
"Right, diamonds. Diamonds are stones. What's so special about them? They're everywhere."
The man couldn't believe what was going on. "Yeah! They're everywhere! Do you have any clue what they're worth? Each one of them? MILLIONS! Do you hear me? MILLIONS!"
By this time, a sizable group of people gathered, laughing at their visitor. As they smirked and jeered, some remarked, "What a fool! Why does he seem to care so much about the stones on the ground? It's not like they're worth more than dirt!"
Regardless of the people's reactions, the man ran back to his canoe, gathered the four or five plastic bags he had stored in his lunch box, and returned with tremendous excitement. He dropped to the ground and began filling the bags with diamonds. The people watched with even greater laughter, but it didn't faze him.
"Who cares what they think and say," thought the man. "They're out of their minds! I don't care if they believe me or not, but these diamonds are priceless! Where I come from, each one of these stones will make me rich! I'm not about to pass up this opportunity!"
As the man filled the bags to capacity, he caring loaded them into his canoe, and headed back home.

Do we have even the slightest clue as to the value of a single mitzvah? One single mitzvah - let alone hundreds or even thousands of them? Where we come from, each one is priceless! Yet, we come to a world that doesn't necessarily value them as much as they should.
But the roads are covered with them! There are diamonds everywhere! Everywhere!
We are given a pre-determined amount of "bag" space to fill up on them in order to cash in once we return Home. Are we about to allow others who mock the mitzvos, who say, "Ah! Who cares about tzitzis! They just make you itch and sweat!" Or, "Davening? So early? I ain't getting out of bed early for that!"
Are we really going to stop amassing a wealth here in this world just because of public opinion, or because "it isn't cool" to do mitzvos?
Are we really going to pass up on these massive diamonds?
Or are we going to rush to gather them up!
Go ahead! Gather those diamonds - they're everywhere!

(Thank you, Rav Avigdor Miller, tz"l, for continuing to inspire us all with your words - your diamonds! We can only imagine the infinite wealth you have earned back Home for the lifetime of wisdom you shared with us.)

Say to yourself ten times today:
"I am totally committed to do every single mitzvah that comes to my hands today with energy and love!"

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