Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hashem's Air Is Truly Everywhere

"And I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky, there'll be air"

Be great by thinking great!
How often does anyone stop to think and thank Hashem for all of the glorious creations that most of us take for granted? Let's take the air, for instance. I can't remember the last time I heard someone thanking Hashem for the wonderful air. Well, except for the great Rav Avigdor Miller, tz"l, of course ...

Upon a regular visit, Rav Miller's grandson entered his illustrious grandfather's apartment - only to be startled by the scene he saw before his eyes. Rav Miller's head was completely submerged in the kitchen sink ... filled with water! Before he could react, Rav Miller suddenly thrust his head out of the water and gasped for breath.
"Zeidy," cried the alarmed grandson. "What is going on? Are you alright?"
Drying his face, Rav Miller explained warmly and calmly.
"I was walking outside earlier today (Note: Rav Miller walked for some time daily for his health), and someone joined me as we spoke about various topics," explained Rav Miller. "The man then started talking about the air quality, and began complaining about air pollution. How could I accept lashon hara about Hashem's air? How could I accept that something is wrong with it? So I needed to prove to myself just how great and important Hashem's air truly is! Therefore, I filled the sink with water, put my head in, and waited until I couldn't breath anymore. Then, in desperate need of air, I pulled my head out of the sink - ahhhhh ... the delicious, beautiful air Hashem created! Thank you, Hashem!"

Next time you're outside, pause for a few moments and look around.
Take a deep breath.
Isn't His world the most glorious place ... on earth?

Hey, isn't that an Uncle Moishy tune? "Hashem's AIR, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere!"

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Thank you Hashem for everything you gave me in life - I will try to make good use of it all!"

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