Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ups and Downs and Ups

"Life has its downs and ups"

Baby steps, baby steps!
 In life, we all fall. Everyone.
But not everyone gets back up.
The trick is to remember that as human beings, we are prone to fall. We are prone to make mistakes. As it says, "There is no such thing as a righteous person in this world that has not sinned."
Hashem created us with the knowledge that we will stumble, yet He also gave us the ability to regain control and stand firmly once more.

Imagine young parents and their small toddler. After several months of crawling, the child manages to hold tight to the living room couch and stands up. As his excited parents stand two feet away beckoning the child to come to them, the lad takes his first three steps ... and then staggers and falls to the carpet.
But what joy fills the house!
The beaming parents call the child's grandparents and burst out in jubilation, "Chaim took his first three steps! You should have seen him! He actually walked!"
But didn't he then fall? Why are they so proud of him?
Because at his age, three steps is a major accomplishment! Sure he fell. That's what he's supposed to do! But over time, he will stand more and walk further. And he won't fall as often. Until the day will come when Chaim will grow up and will run without falling even once!

Fall we will, but get back up we must!
There's no use in burying ourselves in self-inflicted pity or sorrow.
Our dear Father, Hashem, is overjoyed with every step we take! And although He may appear to stand afar, He waits for us to walk to Him!
Parents wouldn't dare pull such a stunt with a newborn, simply because they know that a child of such an age doesn't have the capacity to walk yet. Similarly, Hashem expects us to walk at our pace. He stands at a distance when He knows that He is in reach! Within our power.
We can make it there!
Don't give up!
Get up and walk again!
Again and again until you're there!

Admittedly, however, there is one difference between the mashal and the nimshal. While it would be silly for Chaim's parents to be proud of him when he walks without falling at age 20, Hashem will always be proud of us - regardless of how old we are!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, I am going to try to get closer to You today! And even if I fall, I will find the strength and get up again!"

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