Thursday, March 24, 2011

March Madness

"The engine is running, but there 'aint nobody behind the wheel."

Which way are you driving?
And the madness marches on.
After over 2,000 years in exile, we have witnessed the most horrific madness. The Crusades. The Inquisition. The pogroms. The Holocaust.
Absolute madness.
Yet, we, the Jewish People, still march on. Proudly. Boldly.
But how?
Take a look around. Listen to the daily conversations around you. What is everyone talking about?
The economy. The wars. The politics. The violence. The pain and sorrow.
Or maybe they're talking about a television show. A movie. A ball game. A new album.
When was the last time you overheard a conversation about the Parsha? The upcoming Yom Tov? An insightful Torah thought?
We know that our People are strong, but what are we using our strength, courage, and energy for?
More "Madness"?
As Jews, we must question our objectives. Our direction.
"Am I driving around mad and lost, or do I have a true direction in life?"

Eighty-five year old Herbert was driving down the freeway when his cell phone rang.
"Herbert!" his wife cried urgently. "I just heard on the news that there's a car speeding the wrong way down Route 17. Please be careful!"
"No joke," Herbert replied, "it's not one car. It's hundreds of 'em!"

Yeah, we're driving down the road of life, but are we headed in the right direction?
Or do we think that it's just everyone else who is confused?
How many of us are in the right lane on the right highway - preserving our People for the next generation?
Who will help support our future?
Our engines are certainly running, but are we truly behind the wheel?

Drivers wanted.

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help put me on the proper path of life! Help show me the way!"

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