Sunday, March 6, 2011

Man In the Mirror

I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life - it's gonna feel real good.

What are you lookin' at?
Next time you look in the mirror, before you take a look at your hair or your shirt collar, stop to look yourself in the eye.
Is that you?
Of course it's you, but is it really you?
Who you want to be?
Who you can be?

Young Mordechai had a wonderful collection, but not of baseball or basketball cards - rather of gedolim cards. He would gather all of the great tzaddikim of the time and enjoy staring into their wise and illuminating faces. He loving placed each one in an album to preserve his cherished collection. Deep in his heart, Mordechai yearned with all his might that one day he would grow up to be as scholarly as they.
Mordechai's parents once glanced into their son's album, and saw something very puzzling. It seemed that Mordechai deliberately left the first page blank. Their mystery was solved when they saw a piece of paper inside the vacant picture slot.
It read: "Mordechai, if you'll learn well and work hard in Torah, you too will some day be entered here. But if not, you'll be left out!"
It is no surprise that with a soul so convicted, so motivated such as Mordechai's that he grew up to be the great Rav Mordechai Gifter, tz"l, the beloved Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe in Cleveland, Ohio, and one of our greatest leaders and luminaries in America.

Still looking in that mirror?
Ask yourself, "Who do I want to be?"
Now make that happen! Make that change ... it's gonna feel real good!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"I am a great person! And I can be even better! Today, I will be the best!"

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