Friday, February 18, 2011

Believing Is Seeing

They say seeing is believing. Well, do you see? Then believe!

Hashem is right there before our eyes!
People often walk through life with doubts. Their faith in Hashem and His Torah is weak or even sometimes non-existent. They say, "If only G-D would perform an open miracle, I would see Him firsthand and believe in Him!" They want to see proof, after all, seeing is believing.

A man once approached the saintly Chofetz Chaim and asked, "How is your faith in Hashem?"
The Chofetz Chaim lovingly walked the man outside, and pointed to the sky.
"Do you see the sun up there in the sky? As clear as the sun is to you, that is as clear as Hashem is to me!"

The truth is, we don't really need an open miracle to believe in Hashem. In fact, we should ask ourselves that if we were to witness a miraculous event, would our faith last the test of time? We must ask, "When was the last time I heard an incredible, inspiring story of a miracle that occurred in our times? Did I daven better the next tefillah?
Were my brochos more meaningful?
Did I learn more Torah that day?
And if so, how long did it last?
Since we all know the painful answer to this question, we must wonder of it is an open miracle that we truly need in order to believe.
Let us think for a moment about everything around us. Nature. Human existence.
Pretty miraculous, no?
Take a spoonful of soil from outside. Did you know that there are more living organisms on that spoon than people in New York City?
Pretty miraculous, no?
Look at someone in the eye. As you glance at his eyes, think how they are the most advanced cameras in the world - that cannot be duplicated by our most advanced scientists and engineers.
Auto focus. Red eye reduction. Night vision. The works.
Pretty miraculous, no?
So if seeing is believing, and we indeed see well, shouldn't we believe?
We can say even better. If we believe, shouldn't we see - see Hashem in everything?
Do we see the magnificent sun up there in the sky? Now do you see Hashem?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me see you wherever I look!"

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