Monday, February 28, 2011

The Best Motion Picture - Ever!

And the award goes to ... Hashem for best picture! (sorry, I know it's pretty corny)

Who truly deserves awards?
It sure is nice to win an award.
It sure is nice to get recognized.
The only question is - what would you like to be recognized for? Do you want to be recognized for making believe you are someone you aren't? In a place that never existed, within a story that never happened, with complete strangers acting as your beloved family and close friends?
The greatest distraction from real life is creating a life that never was and never will be.
Is it entertaining? Sure.
Is it real? Certainly not.

The famed "Maggid of Yerushalayim," Rav Sholom Schwadron, once saw people gathering and entering a building. Curious as to where everyone was going with such excitement, he quietly followed them inside. Little did he know that it was a movie theater. Walking down the hallway, Rav Sholom opened one of the theater doors and was taken aback by the darkness inside. As he peered around the room, seeing the interested faces of those gathered, he took notice at the constantly changing pictures being projected on the wall. He quickly rushed over to the entrance wall and turned on all the lights.
Aghast with surprise, the people began shouting, "Turn back off the lights! We can't see anymore!"
Rav Sholom innocently turned to one of the viewers and asked, "But don't you see better in the light?"
The man responded abruptly, "Don't you know? The movie isn't real. It really isn't there. If you turn on the lights, it all disappears! That's why we have to be in darkness!"

What's the best motion picture you have ever seen with the lights on? Ever take a look outside?
There it is!
Brought to you by the best Director of all - Hashem!
So if you vote on Hashem for best picture, we all earn best supporters!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, thank you for the most incredible, beautiful world!"

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