Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome Back Home!

We'll leave the spark on for 'ya.

Can you feel YOUR flame?
Every Jew has a bright and everlasting spark within him. Since it is an actual part of Hashem, this flame can never be extinguished. Regardless of how far a Jew may wander away from Hashem, he is never too far away.
Imagine for a moment the following mashal:

Picture a teenager who is forever furious with his parents. After years of disgust with every decision they make, the rowdy and free-thinking youngster storms out of the house, screaming at his parents that he'll never return. Roaming the streets late at night and joining groups of delinquent juveniles involved in every form of dangerous activity, the teenager begins to forget his parents. Although they sit each night, painfully crying hot, bitter tears for the safety and return of their beloved, yet confused son, he is partying away without a thought of his miserable and loving parents. Each evening, they stand at the window in the hope to see their boy come back home. A day doesn't pass without the pain. Without the tears. Without the prayers. Without the hope. Although their son may have forgotten about them, they will never - could never - forget about him ... and long for his ultimate return home.

Our Father in Heaven loves us dearly. We are His beloved children. And as far as we may drift away from Him and His fulfilling path of Torah, He cannot and will not ever lose hope in us. Although there are perhaps millions of His children who have left their home and forgotten their dear Father, not a day passes without His pain filling the Heavens and beyond.
Without the endless ache.
Without the misery of a lost child.
For each every lost child.
Not a day passes without His hope for their return. And although they may not think about Him, they have a piece of Him within them.
A flame.
A spark.
And all that is needed is to blow on that spark, and a powerful and magnificent fire will become ablaze, warming the cold, bitter weather of hopelessness, despair, and confusion. A fire to enlighten the mind and enrich the soul.
It is our flame within that always brings us back home.
Isn't it time for us to return?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"I have a very special soul. I am Hashem's beloved child!"

1 comment:

  1. i hope to never leave my home. i think it would upset many people and i should always have faith in Hashem
