Sunday, February 20, 2011

He's Fallen and He Can't Get Up!

When we see a fallen siddur, which has the written Name of Hashem within it, we are pained at the sight as we quickly lift and kiss it lovingly. How much more so must we feel great pain at the sight of a fallen Jew, who has the very image of Hashem upon him, and quickly lift him up and kiss him with care and love!

Lend someone a hand!
To further this comparison, here's an interesting halacha. If you're in the middle of Shmone Esrei and a Chumash or Siddur falls before your feet, you are not to interrupt your tefillah to bend down an pick it up. However, if a fellow Jew falls in danger while you're davening, you must certainly rush to his aid.
We must ask: Does Hashem care more about His sacred texts or His dear creations?
Perhaps we can give a similar scenario. Suppose you open the box to a new item you purchased, and the box falls out of your hands with all of its contents come crashing to the floor. There at your feet is the brand new item and its instruction manual.
Which one are you going to grab - the item or the manual?
Which one are you going to grab - Hashem's child or our manual?
Somehow, we tend to give more respect and honor to a Sefer Torah than our fellow Jew. Yet, if a shul is G-D forbid burning down, it would be murder to allow a single Jew to perish inside in order to save the Sefer Torah.
How precious is each and every Jew!
If you see a Jew has fallen on the floor - he may not even recognize that he's there!
Pick him up!
Show him love!
He's a beloved child of our Father in Heaven!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Today, I will try to find and fulfill the needs of others!"

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