Friday, February 25, 2011

He's Watching You!

Every step you take, every move you make, He'll be watching you.

Hashem is always watching over us. Everywhere, all the time.
Isn't that an amazing feeling?
We're never alone. If we were to always remember this, we would be forever hopeful.
Forever assured that everything - yes, everything - is for a reason. And we would realize that our lives are being guided by a loving Father who only wants the best for us.
Each time a difficult situation arises, we should think to ourselves, "Hashem is doing this for a reason. I may not understand it, but it is for my good."

Try to imagine our greatest of Avos, Ya'akov Avinu, running for his life, trying to escape his vengeful brother, Eisav. Leaving his beloved parents behind, he journeys alone. Along the way, he is met by a nephew, Elifaz, who has been instructed by his father, Eisav, to seek him out and murder him. Elifaz, who truly does not wish to commit this heinous crime, agrees to take all of Ya'akov's wealth in order to fulfill his father's command (as the Gemara teaches us, a destitute person is deemed as though he is dead, thus Elifaz would fulfill the mitzvah of honoring his father).
Still fearing for his life, and now penniless, he arrives at the home of Lavan. Agreeing upon terms to work seven years for the merit of marrying Rochel, Ya'akov begins his years of hard labor. In the end, we know that Lavan tricks Ya'akov and marries him off to Leah.
Let's reflect upon what has happened thus far. Ya'akov is pursued by him murderous brother. His life's fortune is striped away from him, leaving him with nothing bu the clothing on his back. He works for seven years for the "wrong" wife.
How would we react? I believe that most of us would have been complaining for years - if not have completely given up all hope in Hashem.
Not Ya'akov. Not Ya'akov Avinu.
He had sustained faith.
And where did that faith lead him?
To Rochel, Leah, the holy 12 sh'vatim, and the entire glorious future of the Chosen People!

How virtuous is a life with complete faith!
Never give up hope - Hashem is always watching you!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, I know You're watching over me - thank you!"

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