Monday, February 14, 2011

Firmly Rooted in Our Faith

When the wind blows, a person must hold onto his yarmulke tight. The stronger the wind, the tighter he must hold on.
So when the turbulent winds of sin storm our way, we must hold on tight to our faith - or it may just fly away!

How firm are your roots?
We are taught that the world stands on three pillars - Torah, Avoda, and Gemilus Chasodim.
But that's the world. WE stand on one pillar - FAITH!
And we must constantly reinforce our faith in Hashem each and every day. Wherever we look, thousands of sights have the capacity to ignite our everlasting faith in Him - the trees, the clouds, the sun ... your pinky finger.
Everything in life screams of a Creator. Everything.
But what happens if we don't think this way?
What happens if we don't remind ourselves of Hashem, and that He stands behind all of existence?
What happens if our faith isn't strong - isn't deep rooted?
Well, what happens to a tree with weak roots when a fierce wind comes its way?
It topples over to its demise!
Is our faith strong enough?
Will we be fortified when the winds of sin and assimilation blow our way?
Will we be strong?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"I believe with a complete heart that everything is for my very best!"

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