Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Money Is Time!

They say time is money. But if the really knew the value of time, they would realize that money is time!

Time is flying by - catch the moment!
Money comes. Money goes. In fact, the Gemara's term for a coin is zuz, which means move in Hebrew, as money moves from place to place, person to person. It is temporary, just like life itself.
Time, however, is far more precious. Although as each fleeting moment in time passes, it is gone forever, we can fill each moment with the means to earn eternal reward.
We dedicate much of our time in our pursuit of money. Certainly, we need to utilize our time to make a living. Yet, a free minute of time spent on Torah, tefillah, or any other mitzvah, yields far more gain that a few dollars.

It is told that Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt"l, completed Shas 404 times throughout his life. Yet, upon the completion of Shas one particular time, he appeared exceedingly excited by the siyum more than any other. Upon inquiry, Rav Moshe explained:
"This round of Shas that I am completing at this time wasn't studied in the Beis Medrash. It wasn't learned in my study or shul. Rather, each time I found myself waiting on a line, sitting at a function, or traveling, I took out a Gemara and learned. In this manner, I completed Shas!"

Most people don't even finish Shas once in their entire lives, though Rav Moshe completed it while waiting on lines and traveling in cars! He utilized his time to the greatest degree.
Instead of spacing out on line and looking at the scenery while traveling, perhaps we can do the same as the great Rav Moshe. To even review a Torah thought, reinforce a good character trait, or review our daily actions, would be infinitely beneficial to our growth and our future.
Time is ticking. Let us use it right!

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Hashem, please help me make good use of my time today!"

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