Monday, February 21, 2011

Some Fresh, Natural Water

Great news! I just saved 15% on my life insurance by switching to Torah!

Enjoy a fresh glass of Torah!
We say that "Torah is the tree of life," and indeed it is. And you save much more than a measly 15%!
You're not convinced?
When the Romans decreed that it was forbidden to study Torah, our great Sages studied anyway. When asked how he could act directly against the law of the land, the holy Tanna, Rabbi Akiva, responded, "A Jew without Torah is like a fish out of water."
Have you ever seen a fish taken out of water? He doesn't look dead. He flaps around quite energetically. You may even mistakenly think that he's more alive than ever.
But you'd be wrong. Dead wrong. Give a few more minutes and he'll be sleepin' with the fishies.
We may witness people walking through life with all the pleasures and luxuries in the world - and without Torah knowledge. They appear pretty successful.
Remember the fish flapping around on land? (This doesn't mean that everyone successful without Torah falls under this category - they can have numerous other merits supporting them.)
Our eyes are limited to seeing the physical. We cannot see beyond what is in front of us. Only Hashem can plan and see what is truly going on.
But rest assured - Torah keeps us alive.
Like a fish in water - the waters of Torah. And just like the waters are endless, so is Torah.
So - when are you switching to Torah?

Say to yourself ten times today:
"Today, I will make sure to learn some Torah ... and make it meaningful to me!"

1 comment:

  1. wow that is incradible

    and the screen name was a weird thing that happened and just so you know this is yitzchak rayman
